SiapASN TryOut

by Safir Academy



State (ASN). This application can be used in areas or areas that do not even have an internet network, so that people in remote areas or areas without an internet network, there is still a possibility to pass the ASN entrance test with this application.This application is a try out in the form of questions sourced fromvarious sources that must be filled in by the participants. After the try out is complete, participants can see the correct answers to each question and are complemented by discussion. The answers from the participants are in the form of scores where the accumulated scores will determine whether the participants pass or fail in answering each question.Passing or failing depends on the range of minimum scores and maximum scores that are known after completing the tryout.This application consists of PPPK, CPNS, and PPG packages which can be accessed free of charge.The package will determine the weight of the questions that will appear later. With so many questions that participants have to answer, it is hoped that participants will be ready to take part in the questions that will later appear in the actual ASN tryout questions.